Monday, June 13, 2016

I Love Mondays

Garfield I am not.

Yes, it's true. I love Mondays. I know some of you are probably swearing up a storm at me as you grab your savior-in-a-cup, also known as coffee, and slowly make your way to your desk at work. And that's fine. The general consensus about Monday is quite the opposite of my opinion. It is the longest day. It is the day we have to go and sell our time and knowledge for a day's pittance. It is the day furthest from Friday. It is a swirling black hole of responsibilities, meetings, traffic and motivation through fear. A bit dramatic? Probably. Yet spot on for most? Also, probably.

For me, it's all a matter of perspective. I can gripe about my job, but I can also be grateful for having a job. I can complain about having to endure mind-numbing traffic, but I can appreciate the fact that I have a car. And I can whine about the ridiculous amount of money I shell out every month in health insurance premiums, but I love being able to support my family and provide the healthcare they need.

I also look at Mondays as a new beginning, the promise of new possibilities, the opportunity to accomplish much in the week. For me, Fridays are kind of a letdown. On a Friday, I have to finish what I can before the weekend, which is filled up with social obligations and family outings, thereby preventing the productivity I cherish so much. Yes, Mondays are the days in which I am most energized, having rested over the weekend. I am most alert and the most organized. Mondays for me are a clean slate, for the reset button has been pressed.

So grab your cup of coffee, sit at your desk and stare into your computer screen as you wait for the caffeine to take effect. And when it does, will you choose to wallow in the misery of your own dreaded 'Monday?' Or will you get out your calendar and plan to do something great? God gave you your job, your car, your money, your body, your sight, your mobility, your life. And He also gave you a choice. Choose wisely.

I choose to leave Garfield in the comics. I never liked lazy cats anyway.

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